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Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:19:20 +1200

From: Geoff Mclay

Subject: Looking back at accident compensation: finding lessons for the future



Not to break the thread of the Fairchild discussion, but With Jason's approval I am sending the flyer for our up-coming symposium on New Zealand's ACC system - I thought that some of the torts researchers and teachers on the list , might be interested to at least know that it is on and may be even be able to make it for the symposium or the one we are planning next year to look at the future of our alternative to all of the nice common law problems that you have been discussing.

I have attached the PDF version of the brochure. Please pass it on to any that might be interested.


Many thanks



The Victoria University of Wellington Law Review and the New Zealand Centre for Public Law present


Friday 2nd August and Saturday 3rd August

The future of ACC will be shaped in part by the experience of the past three decades. This academic conference studies the evolution of ACC through a turbulent period of social, economic, political, and international changes. Five separate panels explore the key policy choices during this period, searching for lessons (including roads not taken) that may help guide ACC in the coming decades. This symposium brings together New Zealand policy leaders and academic commentators, along with overseas experts. A second symposium exploring future directions for ACC is being planned for 2003.

Planning Committee:
Geoff McLay, Chair
Alan Clayton
Richard Gaskins
Susan St John

For information on attending, please contact, Claire Blanchfield, New Zealand Centre for Public Law claire.blanchfield@vuw.ac.nz, phone 463 6327.

Speakers Include:

Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Sir Kenneth Keith, Hon David Caygill, Hon Ruth Dyson, Professor Harold Luntz, (University of Melbourne Law), Ailsa Duffy QC, Peter McKenzie QC, Brian Easton, Margaret McClure (Author of A Civilised Community: History of NZ Social Security), Bob Stephens and John Martin (VUW Public Policy), Ross Wilson (CTU President), John Miller (VUW Law), Professors Lew Evans and Neil Quigley (VUW Economics), Susan St John (Auckland University Economics), Garry Wilson (CEO ACC), Dr Grant Duncan (Massey).

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