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Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 19:29:16 +0100

From: Gerard McMeel

Subject: A request for information


My colleague Brian Watson of Guildhall Chambers has recently published a UK text on "Litigation Liabilities" with Palladian Publishing, which deals with this and related questions.


Gerard McMeel

On Sun, 11 Aug 2002 15:03:24 -0400 Denise Reaume wrote:

Stephen Warne of Melbourne, Australia, author of "Compromise of Litigation and Lawyers' Liability" which just appeared in the latest Torts Law Journal, has asked me to post a request for information on any Canadian authorities or journal articles (or needless to say, from anywhere else) in relation to actions in which litigation lawyers have been sued for advice in relation to the compromise of litigation or non-compromise of litigation. Similarly he seeks advice on any authoritative texts which cover the subject (other than Fokett's English text on compromise).

If anyone has any tips to pass on, would you please communicate directly with Stephen at stephen_warne@middletons.com.au. If anyone is interested in the subject, Stephen has an adobe acrobat .pdf version of the article which he would be pleased to email.



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