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Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 10:02:00 -0500

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Call for Papers


Dear Colleagues,

What follows is a call for papers from a relatively new publication, the Journal of Obligations and Remedies. The first issue of the journal had very interesting articles which dealt with Contract and Estoppel by E. Cooke, Commercial Certainty, Mistake and Unconscionability by A. Phang, and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 by S. Wilson and S. Bone. I recommend the journal to all of you.





Journal of Obligations and Remedies

This refereed journal is dedicated to the study of the common law tradition as exemplified by the laws of contract and tort and associated remedies. It is intended to provide an opportunity for analysis of developments in case law and legislation, including law emanating from the European Union that impacts on the law of obligations and remedies. Articles of a historic or comparative nature are also especially welcome as are articles discussing developments of doctrine in other jurisdictions.

The journal will provide a focus for debate of current legal issues across the areas of contract, tort and restitution. Colleagues interested in these areas are invited to submit articles or to contact the editor to discuss ideas for articles. Articles in the area of the law of tort are particularly welcome.

Articles for publication should be submitted for consideration to the Editor, Steve Wilson, Journal of Obligations and Remedies, School of Law, University of Northumbria, Sutherland Building, College Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom. All articles should be submitted in printed form together with a disk copy (the disk must be Windows 97 compatible). Alternatively, articles may be e-mailed (as a Word attachment) to steve.wilson@unn.ac.uk

Any colleagues interested in subscribing to the Journal of Obligations and Remedies should contact:

Suzanne Thomas
Northumbria Law Press
School of Law
College Street
University of Northumbria
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST
United Kingdom.

Telephone: 0191 232 2048
Fax: 0191 232 1303
e-mail: suzanne.thomas@unn.ac.uk



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