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Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:28:50 -0500

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Call for Papers


Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2003 - Tort Section - Call for Papers



The Society of Legal Scholars is holding its annual conference in Oxford (England) from 17th to 20th of September 2003. The TORTS subject section has been (provisionally) scheduled to have its subject sessions
Wednesday 17th September, 3 p.m.-4.30, 5 p.m. - 6.30
Thursday 18th September 9.15 a.m. -10.45, 3 p.m. - 4.30



The purpose of this e-mail is to ask if you would be interested in delivering a paper at the subject meeting in September.



Papers can, of course, be on any theme related to tort law. BUT, the Society has asked Convenors to consider including -one or two line-by-line Commentaries among the programmes; that is one or two papers taking the form of detailed reviews of the article which the speaker thinks to have been the best thing or that most worthy of comment in the field over the last five years.

So, feel free to rise to this invitation!



As far as timing goes -

I have been asked to provide a -basic programme- by February 14th (SO, it would be helpful to have expressions of interest as soon as possible).

The full programme has to be provided by 25th April, so I would need to know final titles, etc, by then.

The Society has also asked for FULL PAPERS or ABSTRACTS to be MADE AVAILABLE for COPYING and CIRCULATION by 11 AUGUST 2003. (I appreciate that making full papers available a month in advance can be onerous, and that the Torts section has often heard excellent papers which were not available in advance. Consequently, I am quite willing to schedule papers which will not be available in advance - but have a marginal preference for those that will be since it will make it easier for us to discuss two papers in each 90 minute slot.)



I have been asked to make clear that speakers have to register (and pay) to attend the conference like all other delegates. (Apparently some problems arose last year because of alternative beliefs about this matter!) Similarly, speakers must make their own arrangements with regard to travelling expenses.

The conference fee for non-members will be higher than that for members, but the Society is always eager to welcome new members from United Kingdom, Ireland and Overseas, and subscriptions are modest.



Please could anyone who would like to express interest in giving a paper reply to:



Roderick Bagshaw,
Magdalen College
United Kingdom


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