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Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 13:44:10 -0400

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Zeta-Jones v Portsmouth?


After the 'tort and insurance' debate, I hope subscribers will forgive me for attempting some light relief. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have already been parties to important tort law litigation. But the following story from the BBC suggests that they might soon be involved in a rerun of Bolton v Stone ([1951] AC 850) or, more likely, Miller v Jackson ([1977] QB 966).

It's just not cricket

Cricketers in Wales are being offered £100 to hit a ball into Catherine Zeta Jones' new home.

The cash has been put up by the local cricket club in Mumbles, near Swansea, and will go to the first player who achieves the feat.

Mumbles Cricket Club is situated just 650ft from the £1m mansion bought by Zeta Jones and husband Michael Douglas - work on which was completed a few weeks ago.

Mark Portsmouth, chairman of 'the other MCC', said: "It would have to be a massive six, but it would be fun if someone did it.

"Can you imagine them returning the ball?"

One thing's for sure, the ball would have to be hit very hard to break the windows, because they are bullet-proof. Even Andrew Flintoff might have a struggle on his hands.


Perhaps Mr Portsmouth has read his law reports. He seems to have no fear of legal liability.


Paul MacMahon



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