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Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 10:22:33 –0400

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Just Published!


Dear Colleagues,

RDG and ODG members may be interested in a new book written by Martin A Hogg, entitled "Obligations" (ISBN 0-9543423-4-8, price GBP 27.50). The book concentrates primarily on the relationships between the various obligations, and discusses such issues as concurrent liability, the availability of unjustified enrichment remedies in cases of failed and void contracts, liability for pre-contractual expenditure, and unjustified sacrifice, amongst others. While it takes Scots law as its primary subject matter, it also includes reference to English, Australian and South African authorities.


Happy Reading,

Jason Neyers
Assistant Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435



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