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Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 22:25:03 +1100

From: Harold Luntz

Subject: Torts Law Journal


Volume 11 no 3 of the Torts Law Journal is now available on the internet to those who have access to LexisNexis. Its table of contents is as follows:

Case Notes
Negligence and public authorities: A pearl in the oyster or another Greek tragedy? - Kumaralingam Amirthalingam 197
Cattanach v Melchior: Legal principles and public policy- John Seymour 208

Limitation periods and child sexual abuse cases: Law, psychology, time and justice - Dr Ben Mathews 218
Liability for personal injuries arising from recreational services: The interaction of contract, tort, State legislation and the Trade Practices Act and the resultant mess - Joachim Dietrich 244
Personal injuries law reform: An unintended effect on product liability claims? - Guy Boyd 262
Negligence and insurance premiums: Recent changes in Australian law - J J Spigelman 291

Book Review
The German Law of Torts; A Comparative Treatise by B S Markesinis and H Unberath - Annette Marfording 312

I continue to welcome contributions to future issues.


(Prof) Harold Luntz
General Editor
Torts Law Journal
Law School
The University of Melbourne
Vic 3010

Law School: +61 3 8344 6187
Home: +61 3 9387 4662

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