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Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 14:03:56 -0400 (AST)

From: Jennifer K Bankier

Subject: HTML format messages


Ken Cooper-Stevenson's recent message showed up in HTML format.

Some of us don't use HTML format email readers, and such messages can be a problem for us. Either the message is entirely unreadable, showing up as a blank, or it shows up with all the HTML coding reproduced as text which makes it hard to follow the substance of the message. Moreover, HTML messages take up more disk space which is relevant to those of us whose email storage has a limited disk quota.

Most HTML email senders can be set to use plain text as the default for messages. Using this setting will maximize the number of potential readers who can access the substance of the message without a hassle.


In any event, let me wish you all a happy holiday season.




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