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Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 19:28:25 +0800

From: James Edelman

Subject: Notice of conference


Dear Members

Apologies for the dual posting for those that are also members of the RDG.

Some time ago Simone Degeling mentioned on this list a conference being hosted by the University of NSW on 16-18 December 2004. Registration for the conference is now open and all details are available at www.fusion.unsw.edu.au (there is an academic rate and discount for registration prior to 30 June 2004).

In summary, the conference will explore many topical issues relating to the relationship between law and equity (including many which have been the subject of much discussion on this list over its years). The conference dinner (at which a guest speaker will speak on the topic) will be held at Parliament House in NSW on the Friday night.

Speakers and chairpersons at the conference include:

From the judiciary:

Justice RP Austin, Supreme Court of New South Wales
Justice WMC Gummow, High Court of Australia
Justice JD Heydon, High Court of Australia
Justice Mason, President NSW Court of Appeal
Chief Justice McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada
Lord Millett, House of Lords
Justice Stone, Federal Court of Australia

From the academy and legal practice:

Professor Michael Bryan, University of Melbourne
Professor Andrew Burrows, Professor Of Commercial Law, University of Oxford
Professor Robert Chambers, University of Alberta
Dr Rory Derham, NSW Bar
Dr Joshua Getzler, St Hugh's College, University of Oxford
Professor Ross Grantham, University of Auckland
Professor David Hayton, Kings College, University of London
Professor Steve Hedley, Professor of Law, University College Cork
Dr Ben Kremer, Freehills
Professor Mitchell McInnes
Mr Richard Nolan, St John's College Cambridge
Professor Patrick Parkinson, University of Sydney
Professor Charles Rickett, University of Queensland
Professor Chris Rossiter, University of New South Wales
Professor Lionel Smith, McGill University
Mr John Stumbles, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Mr William Swadling, Brasenose College, University of Oxford
Professor Sarah Worthington, London School of Economics
Associate Professor Tiong Min Yeo

Please feel free to pass this onto anyone you think may be interested


Jamie and Simone



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