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Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 07:04:59 -0400

From: Geneviève Saumier

Subject: Suing Health Canada


Hello everyone:

Does anybody know if anything has been written about either Attis v. Health Canada (Ont 2003) or Harrington v Health Canada (BC 2003), the two class actions claiming liability of the federal government for failure to legislate against the distribution of defective products? I know that the SCC refused leave in Attis (motion to strike) in July and don't see any appeal from the BC first instance decision. Eliopoulos v. Ont Health (2004, West Nile) is a similar case though not a class action.

Any details or views about these cases would be appreciated.


Thanks a lot!

Geneviève Saumier, McGill



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