Fri, 8 Oct 2004 22:48:49 +1000
Harold Luntz
Vicarious liability for intentional torts
Privy Council yesterday held Jamaica liable for the act of a possibly
off-duty police officer, who may have been outside his operational
area, when he shot someone who did not hand over a telephone he
had demanded: Bernard
v Attorney General of Jamaica (7 October 2004). Lister
v Hesley Hall was explained and applied, as was Dubai
Aluminium v Salaam and Bazley
v Curry. The judgment does, however, acknowledge that vicarious
liability is a principle of strict liability and must have definable
limits. But the particular circumstances here were thought not to
fall outside those limits. Fortunately, no reference was made to
South Wales v Lepore [2003] HCA 4; (2003) 212 CLR 511.
Professorial Fellow
Law School
The University of Melbourne
Vic 3010
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