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Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:00:39

From: Michael Furmston

Subject: Warnings


You will remember that on Ty Cobb’s 70th birthday when the baseball writers went to Georgia in search of quotes, one asked him what his batting average would be if he was still playing Major League baseball, he said about 270 (his career average was I think about 400 an incredibly high figure). He was asked whether the lower figure meant that pitching was better now and he said ...

I think your argument would be strong if all the operations done by a doctor were lumped together but this certainly not what is proposed in England. After all any decent formbook would tell you not only what a horse's results in previous races were but the distances, the ground conditions, the class of the field and so on.


Michael Furmston

From: Daved Muttart
To: michael furmston
Subject: Re: ODG: warnings
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:19:52 -0400

But in computing the average, was the difficulty of the case taken into account? Surely there are many more negative results from hearts so badly clogged as to require transplantation than hearts with mild problems such as the one recently experienced by Prime Minister Blair. I don't know my cricket stars, but hoping that you know baseball, surely anyone would have a better batting average against me than against Roger Clemens.



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