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Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 16:36:04 +1100

From: Harold Luntz

Subject: Torts Law Journal


The latest issue of the Torts Law Journal, volume 12(3), has been published. Its contents are as follows:

Case Note
Buyer beware: Limiting the liability of builders for latent defects - Gary Coveney 187

An alternative view of Woolcock Street Investments v CDG Pty Ltd - Brett Codd, Russell Hinchy and Vernon Nase 194
More than the sum of its parts? The elements of negligence and tort method - Christian Witting 202

The way the world is: Social facts in High Court negligence cases - Kylie Burns 215
Post-Ipp special limitation periods for cases of injury to a child by a parent or close associate: New jurisdictional gulfs - Dr Ben Mathews 239

Book Reviews
Gain-Based Damages: Contract, Tort, Equity and Intellectual Property by James Edelman - John Glover 259

If you have access to Butterworths on-line, the issue is now available by clicking on this link.

It will later be available through Lexis, under Australian journals.

I remind colleagues that I would welcome submissions for future issues. You might have seen the extensive reference made to a case note in an earlier issue of the TLJ in the recent decision of the House of Lords in Chester v Afshar [2004] UKHL 41 (14 October 2004).



Harold Luntz,
General Editor,
Torts Law Journal,
Law School,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria, 3010,

Phone: +61 3 8344-6187
Fax: +61 3 9347-2392



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