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Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 14:42:45

From: Michael Furmston

Subject: Doctor's duties


I do not understand why there was not a perfectly good contract in the WBA case. Surely the doctor was not providing his services free and I bet that the club and not the player picked up the bill. It was surely an implied term of this contract that the doctor would display ordinary care and skill If the result of the doctor's breach of contract was that a player could not play for longer than would otherwise be the case there is surely some financial loss.

I went to the Hawthorns in 1961 for the quarterfinal of the FA Cup: WBA v Spurs. WBA attacked throughout and scored twice. Every 20 minutes or so Spurs broke away and Jimmy Greaves scored. WBA 2 Spurs 4.

On a completely different issue the Economist has a story this week at page 81 of a Japanese company which placed an order on the exchange to sell 610000 shares of a company for 1 yen each when it intended to sell 1 share for 610000 yen. It appears to be assumed by everyone that this transaction which was presumably governed by Japanese law was binding but surely this would not be so in any common law country.


Merry christmas



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