Tue, 7 Feb 2006 09:37:45 -0500
Lionel Smith
Quebec Civil Code
would say that the book Adam names is the only general introduction
in English. However with some minor exceptions, it speaks to the
law under the old Civil Code of Lower Canada. It remains invaluable
for understanding such things as legal history, legal culture, legal
methodology and basic elements of legal analysis in Quebec. On the
other hand, it cannot be relied upon for details regarding the substantive
law because the CCLC was replaced by the CCQ on 1 Jan 1994.
is some writing in English on parts of the new Code; I am aware
of a monograph on the Quebec trust, as well as a chapter in the
new edition of Waters' Law of Trusts in Canada. But there
is not (to my knowledge) a work in English on the whole of the CCQ.
Another advantage of Brierley & Macdonald is that in my experience,
Emond Montgomery has a very generous policy towards law teachers
regarding complimentary copies.
Lionel Smith
James McGill Professor of Law
Faculty of Law, McGill University
3644 Peel St., Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 1W9
Tel + 1 514 398 4670
Fax + 1 514 398 4659
7/2/06 08:30, "Adam Kramer" wrote:
I only know of the somewhat out of date J.E.C. Brierley and R.A.
MacDonald, Quebec Civil Law: An Introduction to Quebec Private
Law (Toronto: E Montgomery), 1993.
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