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Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 14:00:54 -0500

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Conference announcement


June 9-10, 2006
The University of Western Ontario

On June 9-10, 2006 the Faculty of Law of the University of Western Ontario will be hosting a conference, the theme of which is Emerging Issues in Tort Law. The purpose of the conference is to bring together academics, lawyers and judges to analyze and discuss undertheorized and underexplored areas of tort law that are likely to examined by the courts in the near future.

Over the coming years the number, and intellectual complexity, of tort actions is likely to increase. This conference is an excellent opportunity to learn the details of these emerging issues from leading academics and practitioners from Canada, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the United States. Each panel will be moderated by an appellate judge with an interest in the area. The high quality of the presenters makes this a must-attend event for those teaching and writing in this area of the law.

Registration forms for the conference, as well as a complete programme of the event, can be found at the conference website: www.law.uwo.ca/emergingissues.

Confirmed conference participants include:

Justice W. Ian C. Binnie (Supreme Court of Canada) Chief Justice Lance Finch (British Columbia Court of Appeal) Chief Justice Michael MacDonald (Nova Scotia Court of Appeal) Chief Justice Richard J. Scott (Manitoba Court of Appeal) Chief Justice Clyde K. Wells (Newfoundland Court of Appeal) Justice Eleanore A. Cronk (Court of Appeal for Ontario) Justice Susan Lang (Court of Appeal for Ontario) Justice Allen Linden (Federal Court of Appeal) Justice Kathryn Feldman (Court of Appeal for Ontario) Justice Stephen Goudge (Court of Appeal for Ontario) Justice Robert Sharpe (Court of Appeal for Ontario) Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey (Victoria) Kumar Amirthalingam (National University of Singapore) Peter Benson (Toronto) Vaughan Black (Dalhousie) Peter Cane (Australian National University) Ken Cooper-Stephenson (Saskatchewan) David Cheifetz (Bennett Best Burn LLP) Israel Gilead (Hebrew University) Paula Giliker (Oxford) Michael Jones (Liverpool) Lara Khoury (McGill) Lewis Klar (Alberta) Richard Lewis (Cardiff) Mayo Moran (Toronto) John Murphy (Manchester) Ken Oliphant (Cardiff) David F. Bartlett (Washington and Lee) Stephen Perry (New York University) Denise Réaume (Toronto) Geneviève Saumier (McGill) Lionel Smith (McGill) Stephen Smith (McGill) Robert Stevens (Oxford) John Swan (Aird & Berlis LLP) Andrew Tettenborn (Exeter) Stephen Todd (Canterbury) Shauna Van Praagh (McGill) Stephen Waddams (Toronto) David Wingfield (WeirFoulds LLP) Richard Wright (Chicago-Kent)

The cost to attend the conference is C$150 for legal academics which includes a continental breakfast and lunch on both days. A dinner will be held during the conference and the cost to attend is a further C$50.

The University of Western Ontario is located in London, Ontario, which is approximately 200 kilometres south-west of Toronto. London is well-served by frequent bus, rail and air connections from Toronto.

For further information contact:

Jason Neyers
Assistant Professor of Law
Phone: (519) 661-2111 x. 88435
E-mail: jneyers@uwo.ca




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