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Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 22:49:51 +0100

From: Bernhard Koch

Subject: 5th Annual Conference on European Tort Law


Dear Colleagues,

The European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law and the Research Unit for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences would like to invite you to the

Fifth Annual Conference on European Tort Law
from April 20-22, 2006
in Vienna, Austria

This Conference will provide both practitioners and academics with the opportunity to learn of the most significant developments in tort law within Europe in the year 2005.

Experts from all over Europe will present the highlights of their contributions to the upcoming 2005 volume of the Tort and Insurance Law Yearbook. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the previous year's court practice and legislation in all jurisdictions, including developments in the field of EU law. A comparative analysis will review the essential aspects of all reports.

In addition to those national reports, the Conference (as well as the Yearbook) traditionally features special presentations on current key issues of tort law. The opening lecture this year will address the impact of the jury on American tort law, and Saturday's presentations will focus exclusively on public liability.

There will be ample room for discussion, both at the Conference as well as informally.

For further information, please visit the conference website at http://www.acet.ectil.org.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Vienna!


Bernhard Koch

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard A. Koch, LL.M.
Vice Director of the Research Unit for European Tort Law
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences




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