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Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:02:29 +1300

From: Geoff McLay

Subject: Exemplary Damages


Jason (and others)

It takes a long time to kill off a couple of hundred years of history.

Appeals to the Privy Council were abolished 18 months ago for cases heard by the Court of Appeal - so this case can only be appealed to the new New Zealand Supreme Court. However, there are still a number of cases heard by the old Court of Appeal before June 2003 then that can go to London. I know of at least one civil case (on the scope of a lawyer's retainer) that is still pending and won't be heard until the end of the year.




From: Jason Neyers
Sent: Wed 15/03/2006 02:59
Subject: Re: ODG: Exemplary Damages

Hurray for the NZCA.

By the way, when are appeals to the PC being stopped or has that happened already?



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