Wed, 3 May 2006 07:39:51 -0500
John Goldberg
Childs v. Desormeaux
your comments are helpful, as always.
there may be no breach in Scenario 2, I don't think the example
hinges on that conclusion, or needs to hinge on it, because there
is a prior question of duty and a subsequent question of proximate/superseding
cause. Thus, if we imagine, as you do, various precautions H might
have taken but unreasonably failed to take with respect to the risk
of his adult guest's drunk driving, I think that there is still
a strong argument that H should not be held liable precisely because
H was not under a duty to take reasonable affirmative steps to protect
the likes of P against drunk driving by the likes of G. Contrary
to your assertion, nonfeasance has everything to do with this analysis
-- it hinges on the fact that P is complaining of a failure on H's
part to control the conduct of another competent and responsible
adult, as opposed to H's having played the active role imagined
in scenario 1. Some no duty cases really are no-duty cases, rather
than no-breach cases.
course, one can question (as I did in my e-mail, briefly) whether
there is some reason to think that a scenario 2 social host case
warrants an exception from the general rule of no duty that governs
nonfeasance. (More radically, one could question the rule itself,
though I think its rejection would prove unpalatable for a number
of reasons.) But notice that nonfeasance has already done a lot
of work by placing the burden on the plaintiff to argue for the
applicability of an exception. And the analysis of that argument
can (and I think should) look quite different from the policy inquiry
that you suggest. For one thing it is an inquiry that, at least
in the first instance, should be about law, not policy per se. That
is, lawyers and judges ought to look to recognized doctrinal exceptions
to the no-duty rule, such as Tarasoff, and attempt to analogize
or build on those. Second, the inquiry is an inquiry into obligation,
not an inquiry into social welfare, and, at a minimum, your framing
of the issue as one of policy runs the risk of conflating these
two. The question is not, whether, all things considered, it would
be better from society's perspective to hold social hosts liable
to drivers injured by drunk guests (here I essentially agree with
Robert Stevens' doubts about the propriety or wisdom of asking judges
to answer these sorts of questions, although I am less moved by
his apparent view that morality demands that social hosts engaged
in ordinary, non-criminal activity should routinely be held responsible
for the wrongful acts of others who participate in such activity).
It is rather the question of whether, given tort law's hesitancy
to recognize affirmative duties, there is something compelling about
this sort of scenario that warrants or counsels against creating
a binding norm -- violations of which will generate potentially
significant liability to others -- specifying that social hosts
must from now on take steps to keep track of and control their guests'
behavior. (Yes, yes, one can argue that this latter question 'really'
just 'boils down' to the all-things-considered social welfare question,
but the possibility of being a reductionist is hardly an argument
for the propriety of being a reductionist.)
I would suggest that, even if one is looking at tort law as a social
engineering mechanism, before one throws it out as a too-cumbersome
and too-expensive mechanism for deterrence and compensation, one
would have to take account of the intangible (hard-to-measure) deterrence
value provided by a body of law that tracks and reinforces norms
of responsible conduct. That is, one can't just assess the efficacy
of tort law on the assumption that society is a collection of Holmesian
bad men, one also has to take into account the effect on norm-followers'
behavior of a system of norms that is shored up, in part, by tort
law as one among many social practices concerned with holding persons
responsible to moderate their conduct in light of the interests
of others.
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 8:41 PM
To: Goldberg, John
Subject: Re: ODG: Childs v. Desormeaux
don't get me wrong. I was not arguing for a social host duty in
tort, and I pointed out that the California Supreme Court's attempt
to impose a duty was overturned by the legislature. I was, rather,
trying to point to the issues that I think should be considered
in deciding whether there is a duty and differentiating them from
those considerations that should apply in determining whether there
is a breach.
your example #2 of the cocktail party for adults, it is not clear
to me what is the precaution that P would argue D should reasonably
have taken. Hence, in today's world that seems to be a no breach
case, whether or not there is a duty. Suppose, however, it was the
clear social custom not to leave open bottles out at cocktail parties
and that it was the clear social custom to monitor guests and to
offer them rides in case they managed to become drunk and had in
mind driving off on their own. In that case, P would have lots of
things to point to as precautions that D failed to take. And if
there were a duty, P very likely would win, in my view --- and the
fact that this is styled as a "nonfeasance" case has nothing
to do with it, in my view, and in no way helps D. Of course, I concede,
that even with these assumed facts one might, for what I call policy
reasons, decide there simply should be no duty of care imposed on
social hosts -- and the result would be as it is in other true no
duty cases, as I see it,. That is, "unreasonable" Ds get
off. I tried in my last posting to discuss the sort of reasons that
might justify no tort duty.
you know, I don't favor using tort law at all in these settings.
In Quebec, for example, the victim would be appropriately compensated
by the auto accident compensation scheme and I would not favor providing
the victim with more money.(Nor would I be keen on German-style
social cost accounting that allocated some of the compensation burden
on auto insurance and some of it on homeowner insurance.) The drunk
driver would be appropriately punished by the criminal law, I would
hope. And I personally doubt that the threat of tort liability would
make hosts behave in a socially more responsible manner. Hence,
for me imposing a duty in this setting is largely a way of enriching
lawyers and increasing insurance costs -- two things I am not especially
in favor of. YET, I feel the same way about auto accidents that
do not involve drunk drivers who get drunk at friend's homes. Hence,
I realize that my position is far more sweeping. As a result, defense
of social host liability is perhaps best made by someone who, at
the core, is more of a fan of tort liability than I am.
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