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Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:52:17 -0500

From: Geoff McLay

Subject: Loss of a chance for fiduciary breach


Dear all here is the email about Chirnside that for reasons I don't understand only went to Lionel.

It is actually about a lot more than loss of a chance. Apart from wider doctrinal issues, the case will be the first serious challenge on the law of obligations for the supreme court.



Many thanks Geoff. I agree that it is slightly odd decision.


On 23/6/06 17:14, "Geoff McLay" wrote:

The judgment in Chirnside is currently under appeal in the NZ Supreme Court. We have been waiting for six months for the judgment. Part of the problem with the decision is the finding that there was no proper joint venture but there was some kind of residual fiduciary obligation - this appeared to me to conflict with the Court of Appeal and Privy Council's prior decision in FAR v Arklow (both cases involved the provision of not particularly confidential information about a business opportunity. Interestingly Justice Blanchard who partially dissented in Arklow is the last remaining judge of the Arklow court (I think) still on the NZ bench. If you are going to recognize such fiduciary relationships then perhaps you need to be less strict with causation? There is no mention in the case of the Pallant v Morgan equity that I thought might have applied ( it was a partnership to buy land).

I will let you all know what happens.


Ps the decision of court on damages is extremely problematic and gets down to I think about 25 % of a chance, which sounds to me like no chance at all, especially as the party that walked away had all the money ,and ability to put the deal into effect.



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