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Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:33:16 -0400

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Contract Damages Conference


On behalf of Ralph Cunnington, I attach a flyer about the conference on Contract Damages that he is organizing at the University of Birmingham, 28-29 June 2007. The text is also below in case your spam filter blocks attachments.




University of Birmingham
28-29 June 2007

The conference will provide a forum for the discussion of contract damages from a wide variety of perspectives. The first day will be dedicated to the examination of damages in the context of the common law, and the second day will be structured around the international contract law instruments. The general themes for the first day include the definition and purpose of damages, the basic measure of damages, the methods of limiting damages, and the assessment of damages. The themes for the second day will include such issues as the relationship between the international instruments, the problem of recoverability of losses, the methods of limiting damages, and the assessment of damages.

Speakers include:

• Professor Daniel Friedmann (Tel Aviv)
• Professor Andrew Burrows (Oxford)
• Professor Stephen Smith (McGill)
• Professor Peter Jaffey (Brunel)
• Professor Anthony Ogus (Manchester)
• Professor Stephen Waddams (Toronto)
• Professor David McLauchlan (VUW)
• Professor Charles Proctor (Bird & Bird)
• Dr Harvey McGregor QC (Hailsham Chambers)
• Mr Adam Kramer (3 Verulam Buildings)
• Professor Ingeborg Schwenzer (Basel)
• Professor Michael Joachim Bonnell (Rome)
• Professor Ole Lando (Copenhagen)
• Professor Alastair Mullis (UEA)
• Professor Jan Ramberg (Stockholm)
• Professor Alexander Komarov (Moscow)
• Professor Franco Ferrari (Verona)
• Professor Michael Bridge (UCL)
• Professor Michael Furmston (Bristol)

Chairs include:

• Lord Mance (House of Lords)
• Professor Hugh Beale (Law Commission)

The conference conveners are Ralph Cunnington and Djakhongir Saidov. The conference has been accredited for CPD (10 hours) by the Law Society and the Bar Council. Any inquiries relating to the academic program should be directed to Ralph Cunnington (telephone ++44 121 414 6316). More information on booking and prices to follow on the conference website: www.law.bham.ac.uk/contractdamages.

To register your interest in attending the conference, and receive more information via email, please contact: contractdamages@contacts.bham.ac.uk.


Jason Neyers
January Term Director
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435


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