Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:27:34 +0100
Robert Stevens
Horizontal effect argument
I think the court does not acquire any new right to change the
law which it did not have prior to the HRA.
What about HRA s 6(1): "It is unlawful for a public authority
to act in a way which is incompatible with a Convention right"?
If applying an existing rule of law would be incompatible with
a Convention right, the court has a duty - not merely
a right (power?) - to change the law, because the court will otherwise
be acting unlawfully.
that pre-supposes the power to do so. The courts can no more change
the common law in a way in which they have no power to do, than
they could simply dis-apply a UK statute on the basis that it required
them to do something incompatible with the Convention.
the courts cannot act in the same way as a legislature, and they
cannot, the HRA doesn't confer upon them this power.
That's the nub of the argument - which neither
you, nor the HL, has yet addressed. I'm not saying it's foolproof.
I can see certain ways in which it might be attacked, but I don't
want to put up your arguments for you. But to me, it's got enough
plausibility that one can't simply pretend the argument hasn't
been made.
once we have rejected (rightly) the 'strong' thesis of horizontal
effect, the 'weak' indirect horizontal effect thesis adds nothing
to the way the English courts have been behaving since 1950.
Prior to HRA the English courts had no duty to act compatibly
with the Convention rights, or (I might add) to take into account
ECtHR judgments (sec. 2(1)). That they might have done so on occasion
is immaterial.
don't agree. The English courts are part of the UK State, which
is a signatory of the ECHR. The English courts were not taking the
ECHR into account because they thought it might be nice to do so,
or on a whim. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine what they could
have thought they were doing taking the ECHR into consideration
if they didn't think they had a duty to do so. How could it possibly
have been relevant if they had no such duty? There was no choice
involved, nor could there have been. The Act adds nothing to this.
I'll need a hypothetical where the court will
take into account the Convention in a way it would not have
done prior to the HRA.
One case where it *should* have done, but didn't (though it discussed
the Convention in the "old" way), is Loutchansky
[2002] QB 321. Jameel looks like another.
In JD v E Berks [2004] QB 558, the CA relied upon the
Act in effectively "overruling" the House of Lords.
(Not the type of case I had in mind, but it meets the strict terms
of your request.)
The way in which the CA in JD took into account liability
under the Act, not it must be stressed the substantive Articles
of the Convention, was quite different. Because sections 6-8 of
the Act imposed a liability upon the local authority, the policy
argument in the HL that the imposition of liability at common law
would impose a perverse incentive to behave defensively fell away,
as such liability was imposed by the Act. Because of the Act (not
the Convention) a policy argument which underpinned a decision at
common law fell away. This is not therefore an example of the indirect
effect of Convention Rights at all. The CA did not refuse to follow
X because it (the court) was a public authority which would
be behaving unlawfully if it refused to do so.
there would, today, be no violation of the Convention merely by
virtue of the fact that there was no redress at common law where
children are negligently taken into care, as there is now redress
under the Act, so that we are now art 13 compliant. The complaint
in TP v UK that there was a violation of article 8 when
children were negligently taken into care would be made out regardless
of whether or not there was a right at common law which precisely
mapped the Convention right. JD is not therefore an example
of the indirect effect of the Convention, but rather of the direct
impact of imposing liability on the local authority by sections
6-8 of the HRA.
The development of the law of nuisance in Dennis
v MoD [2003] Env LR 34 was contrary to earlier, binding authority
and can only be supported (IMO), if at all, on the basis of HRA
s. 6 (though I don't think the judge mentions it).
BTW (to avoid possible confusion) my focus isn't so much on the
result the court reaches, but the reasoning by which it reaches
that result.
I'll focus on the court's reasoning too. It simply does not follow
that because something constitutes an infringement of someone's
Convention rights that it should also constitute an infringement
of a right at common law. Buckley J, to his credit, says no such
thing and does not treat the HRA as relevant in any way to the claim
in nuisance.
University of Oxford
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