Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:45:08
Ken Oliphant
Horizontal effect argument
you think that the courts have an obligation to review the Wainwright
approach even where the defendant is a private individual?
On 16 October 2006 12:04 +0100 Hector MacQueen wrote:
My view of this, Robert, would be that you are drawing an un-necessary
distinction between domestic and Convention law. The whole point
of HRA is to domesticate Convention rights, and as I see it the
horizontal effect of the Act is such that the courts have to use
the traditional techniques of developing the common law to meet
the standards of the Convention, just as they have to read statutes.
In Wainwright BOTH the prison officers AND, crucially,
the state (through both the prison and the judicial systems) are
infringing Article 8; the state, including the courts, has an
obligation to put that right. I don't quite know how the English
courts will manage it; but it seems clear to me that the ECtHR
has in effect over-ruled the House of Lords, and it is now down
to the creativity of the common law to produce a solution if the
legislature will not. One way, as I said in my previous, would
be to take the privacy principles now emerging pretty clearly
from the extended breach of confidence cases and apply them in
the physical intrusion cases of the Wainwright and possibly
Watkins kind.
Ken Oliphant, CSET Reader in Tort, School of Law, University of
Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ.
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