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Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:12:04 +1000

From: Simone Degeling

Subject: Journal of Equity


Apologies for cross posting.

List members might be interested in a new journal published by Butterworths/Lexis Nexis entitled the Journal of Equity. The General Editor is Chris Rossiter and Associate Editors are Simone Degeling and Brendan Edgeworth. The Journal was recently launched by the Hon Murray Gleeson, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and the first issue has been published with contributions from Mark Leeming, Richard Nolan, Peter Radan, P G Turner and James Edelman.

The journal would welcome contributions from scholars dealing with equity and topics that are related to or have implications for current themes in equity. Analytical, theoretical and empirical approaches are welcome, as are contributions detailing and analysing recent developments or dealing with issues of policy and law reform.

Further information about the journal is attached.


Best wishes

Simone Degeling



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