Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:27:16
Steve Hedley
Punitive damages for negligence
people with local knowledge say whether the dissenting judge is
correct to assert (at para [131]) that the punitive damages will
be covered by the standard road insurance policy (subject to the
policy's limit)? If so, it is hard to see an answer to Blair JA's
point that the award "punishes" not the defendant, but
rather the entire group of those who pay for insurance. It also
makes it problematical whether the award "deters" anyone
from anything. That really only leaves "denunciation"
as the object of the remedy (see para [59]); which is, to put it
mildly, only weakly justified in the majority judgments.
Faculty of Law, University College Cork
From: Vaughan Black
Sent: 07 November 2006 15:51
Subject: ODG: punitive damages for negligence
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