DAVID CHEIFETZ 11/07/06 9:47 AM >>>
knowledge person speaking)
It IS insured - or putting it better, I can't imagine any Ontario
judge holding that the liability insurance doesn't apply to the
punitive damage liability given the present wording of the policies.
Blair JA was right.
no exclusion for punitive damages in the Ontario motor vehicle liability
coverage AND the coverage grant doesn't refer to "compensatory
damages". It provides, under the heading "What We Cover"
- this is plain language wording.
or other insured persons may be legally responsible for the bodily
injury to, or death of others, or for damage to the property of
others as the result of owing, using or operating the automobile.
In that case, we will make any payment on you or other insured
persons' behalf that the law requires, up to the limits of the
statutory wording, in s. 239 of Ontario's Insurance Act is "liability
imposed by law".
239. (1) Subject to section 240, every contract evidenced by an
owner’s policy insures the person named therein, and every
other person who with the named person’s consent drives,
or is an occupant of, an automobile owned by the insured named
in the contract and within the description or definition thereof
in the contract, against liability imposed by law upon the insured
named in the contract or that other person for loss or damage,
(a) arising from the ownership or directly or indirectly from
the use or operation of any such automobile; and
(b) resulting from bodily injury to or the death of any person
and damage to property.
R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8, s. 239 (1).
subject to section 240 stuff isn't relevant.
a dodge of the problem in footnote 3 to para. 55 of the majority
reasons. "Our understanding is that the terms of the policy
will dictate whether or not punitive damages would be included."
Really? They didn't know what the answer has to be if the case has
to be fought, given the policy wording and the statute?
form of and content of automobile liability insurance is highly
government-regulated throughout Canada.