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Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 13:40:49

From: Allan Beever

Subject: Punitive damages for negligence


Isn't there an argument that punitive damages should be a federal matter under 91(27) of the Constitution Act 1867? It was a while ago that I studied this, of course, but I do seem to remember that the issue there was not whether the matter was officially part of the criminal law, but whether it had a criminal purpose. Ross v RMV? (Actually, I think I answered a question on this in my constitutional law exam). On that understanding, it seems more than arguable that punitive damages fall into the federal jurisdiction. Is there any case law or commentary on this?


David Cheifetz wrote:

There are a host of items it seems the majority didn't consider.

For example, in Ontario, throughout Canada, and I'm going to assume in many jurisdictions elsewhere, owners of vehicles have statutory vicarious liability for damages awarded against the driver of the vehicle. In Canada, the requirement is that the driver had possession with the owner's consent.

Property and civil rights (so punitive damages entitlement, at all) is a provincial matter. Assuming the province allows punitive damages at all (an issue which may invoke Charter arguments if other provinces don't) will the owner be liable for the punitive damages portion of the award, if the owner's only basis for liability is vicarious? (The blameworthiness requirement).

Also, if they're not both liable or they are but there is no insurance for that portion of the award, that will put the owner and driver (where they are different people) at odds. The vicariously liable owner probably has a right to indemnity from the driver. That conflict might require separate counsel. It certainly will if the owner is looking for indemnity from the driver.

Ah, well: more work for defence counsel. I suppose I shouldn't complain.



Dr Allan Beever
Reader in Law
Department of Law
50 North Bailey
United Kingdom
FAX : +44 191 334 2801
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