Mon, 5 Feb 2007 13:00:07
Ken Oliphant
SLS Conference 2007: Call for Papers (Torts)
for Papers for the TORTS subject section, Society of Legal Scholars
Annual Conference, Durham University, 10-13 September 2007
you would like to present a paper in the Torts subject section this
year, please contact the section convenor, Ken Oliphant (
by noon on Wednesday 28th February.
and location:
year's SLS Annual Conference will be held at Durham University from
2 pm on Monday 10th September until 12.45 pm on Thursday 13th September.
The Torts section meetings will be in subject section stream B,
starting 11.15 am on Wednesday 12th and continuing to the end of
the conference.
University is located in the city of Durham in the North East of
England. Conference accommodation is on campus. The SLS Annual Dinner
on the 12th will be held in Beamish Hall. Further details will appear
on the SLS website.
a paper:
subject sections are timetabled for four sessions of 90 minutes
each. In the Torts section, the usual practice in recent years has
been to have two papers per session, with 45 minutes allocated to
each. Presenters are expected to produce a full draft of their paper
in advance (by 12th August), for posting on the conference website,
and to speak for approximately half their allocated time so as to
allow ample time for questions and discussion.
NOTE: presenters of papers must BOOK into and PAY for the SLS Conference
like other delegates. The Torts subject section does not cover the
registration costs, accommodation costs or travel costs of those
giving papers.
of papers:
you would like to present a paper, please email me with details
of your university (or other) affiliation, the provisional title
of your paper, and a brief abstract by noon on Wednesday 28th February.
You may also like to address the selection criteria below and/or
this year's special conference theme.
conference theme (2007):
an innovation for this year's conference, the President of the Society
(Professor Celia Wells) has proposed a special conference theme:
Baroness Hale's contribution to law and legal education (click on
link to see a message from the President). If suitable papers
are offered, it is proposed to devote one of the Torts sessions
to the special theme. There is an intention to publish a collection
of essays based on contributions relating to the theme from across
the conference programme.
selecting papers for the Torts section meeting, I shall take account
of the same criteria as employed in previous years:
the desirability of hearing high quality papers
- the desirability of hearing papers likely to be of significant
interest to a large number of members of the Torts subject section
- the desirability of hearing papers which will be available in
advance through the paperbank on the Conference website
- the desirability of hearing papers from scholars who have not
presented papers to the Torts subject section in recent years
- the desirability of hearing papers from postgraduate members and
members who are early in their careers
- the desirability of being able to put two papers on related topics
together into a single session
- the desirability of not having overlapping papers
- the desirability of having a balance between the topics, jurisdictions
and styles of scholarship covered by papers.
Oliphant, School of Law, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building,
Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ
0117 954 5690
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