Michael Jones
Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:18:04 +0000
Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke, 2007 SCC 7
was quite different from Cook v Lewis. In Fairchild
the claimants had, without doubt, been the victims of a wrong
committed by each defendant employer: here a breach of the contractual
obligation to provide a safe system of
assumption in Fairchild upon which everyone proceeded was
that the mesothelioma was (very) probably caused by only one of
the defendants. That was why it was different from a cumulative
condition such as asbestosis. The claimants could not prove which
one. Fairchild is on all fours with Cook v Lewis.
you want to characterise the wrong committed by each defendant employer
as a breach of contract, you still have to prove the causal connection
to get beyond nominal damages for the breach (and there is still
a concurrent tortious obligation to address). And in any event,
even that analysis will not work for the claims brought against
the negligent occupiers who were not employers.
Michael A. Jones
Professor of Common Law
Liverpool Law School
University of Liverpool
L69 3BX
(0)151 794 2821
Fax: (0)151 794 2829
From: Robert Stevens
Sent: Wed 14/02/2007 16:52
To: Jason Neyers
Subject: Re: ODG: Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke, 2007 SCC 7
that in Cook v Lewis it really was impossible to establish
which defendant shot the plaintiff, and both defendants were careless,
we are left with two options: (1) claim fails because plaintiff
simply cannot prove causation by any particular defendant (though
we know for sure that one of them must have shot him); or (2)
claim succeeds and both defendants are held responsible (though
we know for sure that one of them did not shoot him - assuming
there was no intermingling of the pellets, in which case both
shot him). The choice between these options is a policy judgment
- and most people opt for (2) because it seems less unfair than
(1), when the defendants were both culpable and the plaintiff
was innocent. For all the factual differences, and the convoluted
analysis in Fairchild, the same policy judgment is being
made in Fairchild.
is this a 'policy' judgment? What is meant by 'policy'? If it really
was enough to show that the defendant has been guilty of culpable
behaviour and the claimant has been the victim of culpable behaviour
by someone (although not necessarily the defendant's behaviour)
why bother with the causal rules as we find them? Why not just have
the culpable pay a fine into a central fund, from which the victims
of culpable conduct could obtain compensation?
was quite different from Cook v Lewis. In Fairchild
the claimants had, without doubt, been the victims of a wrong committed
by each defendant employer: here a breach of the contractual obligation
to provide a safe system of work. The question which then arose
was the appropriate quantum of damages for the wrong and how that
should be assessed. My view is that they reached the wrong quantification,
but corrected this error in Barker v Corus.
Cook v Lewis the plaintiff could not establish, on the
balance of probabilities, against either defendant individually
that they had committed a wrong against him. Why am I responsible
for other people, with whom I have no relationship, firing into
woods? If the claimant cannot show, on the balance of probabilities,
that the defendant has committed a wrong, the defendant wins.
just don't see how any this works in Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke
where it was perfectly clear who the relevant defendant was and
how the accident happened. Either the machine had a design defect
or it didn't (nothing to do with causation). If it didn't, end
of claim. If it did, the question is whether it was the design
defect that caused (as a question of fact) the injury. Not necessarily
the sole cause, since accidents can (and frequently do) have more
than one cause (lack of attention by A; stupidity by B; recklessness
by C, may all have been the necessary constituents of a particular
concatenation of events).
don't think anything in life has one sole necessary cause, unless
you count God.
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