Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:38:31 +1100
Harold Luntz
Loss of chance
I may leave the direct discussion of Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke
and take up an issue that was raised tangentially. (For what it
is worth, my view of Resurfice Corp. v. Hanke coincides
with that of Michael Jones.)
Gregg v Scott was under consideration by the House of Lords,
the NSW CA recognised loss of chance in a medical negligence case,
Rufo v Hosking [2004] NSWCA 391; (2004) 61 NSWLR 678 (CA),
which achieved only passing mention in Lord Hoffmann's speech in
Gregg. When Rufo was officially reported, the
headnote writer categorised the statements as to loss of chance
as obiter and added a footnote reference to Gregg v
Scott (to my mind going beyond the function of a reporter).
The NSW CA, however, went on fulfil the fears of Baroness Hale and
to recognise loss of chance in a non-medical negligence case, New
South Wales v Burton [2006] NSWCA 12 (10 February 2006); (2006)
Aust Torts Reports 81-826. (Again, for what it is worth, in my opinion
the dissenting judgment of Basten JA in this case makes more sense.)
two first instance judges in NSW have held in medical negligence
cases that Rufo v Hosking is binding on them. In Halverson
v Dobler [2006] NSWSC 1307 (1 December 2006), the judge, who
clearly didn't agree with Rufo, distinguished it on the
basis that it applied only where the chance was 50% or less, a view
once taken by Callinan J in the High Court of Australia (which I
have described elsewhere as "insupportable"), and awarded
full damages on the basis that causation was satisfied on the balance
of probabilities. Now. the judge whose decision at first instance
in Rufo that proof on the balance of probabilities was
required was set aside by the CA, in Tabet v Mansour [2007]
NSWSC 36 (9 February 2007) has awarded damages to a plaintiff whose
chances of a better outcome he assessed at only 40%.
Professorial Fellow,
Law School,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria, 3010,
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