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Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:16:16 -0500

From: Jason Neyers

Subject: Panel Discussion in Berlin


Dear Colleagues:

I post this on behalf of Margaret Hall:


Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA) Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany July 25-28, 2007

Title: Public Authority Liability: Developing Issues in Tort Law

Abstract: Public authority liability is a rapidly developing area of tort law, pushing the boundaries of tort doctrine in terms of both purpose and principles, or "rules". This session will look at recent and potential developments in public authority liability including the concepts of duty and causation, systemic negligence, and implications for limitations, and the underlying purpose of private liability in this context.

If people are interested in submitting an abstract, they should contact me at hall@law.ubc.ca; I will add them to the panel (the official deadline has passed, but I will add further panelists)

Here is the information generally about the conference.

International Conference
Law and Society in the 21st Century


Margaret Isabel Hall, LLB, LLM
Faculty of Law
University of British Columbia
1822 East Mall
Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Z1

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