Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 13:11
From: David Cheifetz
Subject: Contributory negligence in strict liability?
In passing, the strict liability basis of the plaintiffs' claims in Cowles was scienter, not Rylands, but that's not germane to the point under discussion.
-----Original Message-----
From: J.A. O'Sullivan
Sent: March 24, 2007 8:53 AM
To: Jones, Michael
Subject: Re: ODG: RE: Contributory negligence in strict liability?
Going back to Lionel's original message, isn't it supposed to be impossible to claim for personal injury under Rylands v Fletcher these days, since Cambridge Water decided that the tort is a branch of private nuisance? (I've always thought that, if so, that makes Lord Nicholls' mention in Transco v Stockport of the Aberfan tragedy as an example of an exceptional case deserving of strict liability rather distasteful - Aberfan was exceptional because scores of children died, not because the value of the property was reduced!)
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