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Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:23

From: David Cheifetz

Subject: Supreme Court of Canada - THE COURT - www.thecourt.ca


Dear Colleagues:

As some of you know, Osgoode Hall Law School (York University, Toronto, Canada) has started a 'blawg' called THE COURT - www.thecourt.ca - whose logo includes the stated intention that "THE COURT is the online resource for debate & data about the Supreme Court of Canada.*"

In passing, the asterisk in the quotation is part of THE COURT's logo. It links to the caveat at the bottom of the main page: "This website is not authorized by the Supreme Court of Canada". I find it intriguing that we don't see a disclaimer to that effect on SCOTUSBLOG whose title includes the description SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES BLOG, in capital letters. I'm not sure what it means that the SCC powers that be thought it necessary to have THE COURT put that disclaimer on its site, whereas the SCOTUS powers that be didn't for SCOTUSBLOG, even though SCOTUSBLOG, explicitly on its home page, advertises for its law firm sponsor: "brought to you by". I'm sure it means something. I'll leave it at that.

Anyway, my point is that I'd like to see THE COURT become what it hopes to become. So, I ask those of you who think you might have something useful to say, in that forum, over the next few months and in the future, to think about saying it there, too.



David Cheifetz
Bennett Best Burn LLP
Toronto, Canada



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