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Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:41

From: Andrew Robertson

Subject: Call for Papers - Obligations IV


The Fourth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations will be held at the National University of Singapore from 23-25 July 2008. The conference will be co-hosted by the National University of Singapore, the University of Melbourne and the Singapore Academy of Law. The theme of the conference is 'The Goals of Private Law'. Scholars working in the fields of contract, tort, unjust enrichment, equity or private law theory are invited to submit proposals addressing the conference theme.

Speakers will include:

Hanoch Dagan (Tel Aviv), Lord Hoffmann, Stephen Perry (Pennsylvania), Kumaralingam Amirthalingam (Singapore), David Campbell (Durham), Mindy Chen-Wishart (Oxford), Lusina Ho (Hong Kong), Alexander Loke (Singapore), Mayo Moran (Toronto), Donal Nolan (Oxford), Richard Nolan (Cambridge), Charles Rickett (Qld), Emily Sherwin (Cornell), Lionel Smith (McGill), Stephen Smith (McGill), Prue Vines (UNSW), Graham Virgo (Cambridge), Sarah Worthington (LSE)

For further details please see conference web page.

Presenters will be expected to meet their own travel costs and to pay the conference registration fee of S$500 (excluding Goods and Services Tax of 7%). If you would like to offer a paper, please submit a working title and an abstract (of no more than 1500 words) by 1 December 2007 by email to Andrew Robertson and Tang Hang Wu.

Papers will be selected on the basis of quality, extent of engagement with the conference theme and fit with other papers being presented at the conference. Authors are welcome to offer more than one paper (although only one paper per author will be accepted).



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