Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 01:51
From: Russell Brown
Subject: SCC has granted leave in Holland v. Saskatchewan
Horseracing in Victoria state has made for some important caselaw. In this case, it will be a good thing for the plaintiffs that their courts don't look for proximity in statutes.
PS - "cervids" (cervidae?) = deer, moose, elk, caribou. I suspect the Holland case involves farms raising all of them (except moose).
Quoting Neil Foster:
Dear Colleagues
An interesting case. We may have something similar coming up in Australia. Some of you may have heard that we currently have a disastrous (for the racing industry) equine influenza "epidemic" here. Apparently hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost already because weekend racing carnivals have been cancelled, and there is some suggestion (I haven't heard the news today) that the Melbourne Cup may have to be called off!! (This is one of Australia's "iconic" institutions on the first Tuesday in November.)
Now there are suggestions in the press that the virus may have been introduced here through the carelessness of the Australian Quarantine Service. The prospect of massive economic loss claims against the Commonwealth Government probably has some plaintiff lawyers "champing at the bit" already ...
PS I assume a "cervid" is an elk or similar critter.
Dr. Russell Brown
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
University of Alberta
435 Law Centre
Edmonton, Canada
T6G 2H5
tel. 1-(780) 492-1962
fax 1-(780) 492-4924
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