Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:08
From: Francois Larocque
Subject: LQR note
Dear Jason,
If it is an administrative law article, I would assume it would be Sir William Wade, who often signed his publications with the initials of his full name: Henry William Rawson Wade.
François J. Larocque
Professeur adjoint / Assistant Professor
Directeur du programme national / National Program Director
Faculté de droit (common law) / Faculty of Law (Common Law)
Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
57 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1N 6N5
T: (+1) 613 562 5800, 3283
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Jason Neyers
Envoyé : 11 octobre 2007 10:01
Objet : ODG LQR note
Dear Colleagues:
Does anyone know who the initials H.W.R.W. would be for an LQR note of the late 1970s?
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