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Date: Robert Stevens

From: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:06

Subject: Limitation of actions made interesting


The decision is here.

A Hoffmann special. Stubbings v Webb overturned using the practice direction (hooray!).

The only small downside is that overturning the mistake of Stubbings meant that they didn't have to answer some more interesting legal questions.




-----Original Message-----
From: John Murphy
Sent: 30 January 2008 13:08
Subject: limitation of actions made interesting

Dear All,

Limitation of actions isn't widely seen as being very interesting. But this rather intriguing case - decided by the Law Lords today - may be worth a read.

Here's the BBC headline:

Victims of sexual abuse may be able to sue their attackers after many years, following a ruling by the Law Lords.

They ruled a convicted rapist who later won £7m on the National Lottery could be sued by his victim - even though her claim was outside a six-year deadline.

And for the full (BBC) report go here.

The HL website will doubtless have the full report proper.



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