Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:21
From: Harold Luntz
Subject: First issue of Torts Law Journal for 2008
The first issue of the Torts Law Journal for 2008 is now on-line for those who have access to the LexisNexis Australian website. It will in due course be in the ordinary Lexis database and hard copies will be on their way soon.
I suspect that the four contributors and the two authors whose books are reviewed are all members of this list, which is probably a first. The contents are:
Peter Benson, 'The Basis and Limits of Tort Recovery for General Average Contribution Economic Loss' (2008) 16 TLJ 1
Neil Foster, 'Personal Civil Liability of Company Officers for Company Workplace Torts' (2008) 16 TLJ 20
Harold Luntz, 'Book Review of Uncertain Causation in Medical Liability by Lara Khoury' (2008) 16 TLJ 69
Peter Cane, 'Book Review of Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice by Tsachi Keren-Paz' (2008) 16 TLJ 75
I hope that this will encourage more members of the list to contribute.
Harold Luntz
General Editor
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