From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 17/02/2009 19:08:13 UTC
Subject: ODG: ALI & Wake Forest Conference on the The Restatement (Third)
Attachments: TortBrochure.pdf

Dear Colleagues:

Some of you might be interested in attending the symposium outlined below.  The brochure is attached.  I also note that several ODG members will be presenting.




From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 3:13 PM
Subject: ALI & Wake Forest Conference on the The Restatement (Third)



The Restatement (Third) of Torts:

Physical and Emotional Harm


Wake Forest University School of Law, the University of Texas School of Law, and the American Law Institute are sponsoring a Symposium on April 2-3 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to discuss the upcoming Restatement (Third) of Torts: Physical and Emotional Harm. Coverage includes virtually all of the basic principles of tort law, including duty, negligence, factual causation (and the controversial Comment c on proof in toxic substances cases), scope of liability (proximate cause), duty to rescue, emotional harm, and land possessor duties.  

Many of the leading torts scholars nationally and internationally will be present, as will the two co-Reporters for this Restatement. In addition, prominent American jurists and lawyers will gather to discuss and critique this Third Restatement of Torts. The schedule of events for this two-day conference is contained in the attached brochure.


Attendance if free, although there is a nominal charge for lunch. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved for those who desire to attend and need overnight accommodations.  


For more information about the conference, and to register, visit or e-mail the Wake Forest Law Review at or Michael Green at


Michael L. Rustad
Thomas F. Lambert Jr. Professor of Law
and Co-Director of Intellectual Property Law Program
Suffolk University Law School
120 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-4977

Telephone: 617-573-8190
Home: 802-863-1653
Fax: 617-305-3079


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Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law & 
Cassels Brock LLP Faculty Fellow in Contract Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435