From: | Katy Eloise Barnett <> |
To: | Hector MacQueen <> |
CC: | Andrew Tettenborn <> |
Jason Neyers <> | | | |
Date: | 14/06/2010 23:15:11 UTC |
Subject: | Re: ODG: Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
Interestingly, in Australia, the government are proposing to deal with the
problem of cyberbullying and "sexting" by expanding the definition of
sexual harassment under the Sexual Discrimination Act:
Students under the age of 16 will be able to sue, provided perpetrators
are over the age of 16.
Kind regards, Katy
> On this particular question members may also be interested in this
> recent decision of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Le Roux v Dey,
> which has some fairly memorable facts (Le Roux v Dey [2010] ZASCA 41)
> Hector
> --
> Hector L MacQueen
> Professor of Private Law
> Edinburgh Law School
> University of Edinburgh
> Edinburgh EH8 9YL
> UK
> Currently working at the Scottish Law Commission tel: (UK-0)131-662-5222
> Quoting Andrew Tettenborn <>:
>> On 11/06/2010 18:36, Jason Neyers wrote:
>>> Dear Colleagues:
>>> Would the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 be wide enough to protect
>>> a person from teenage cyber-bullying in the form of posting
>>> embarrassing
>>> pictures and demeaning comments about another teenager on the web as a
>>> form of revenge for some perceived slight? I am thinking of the kind
>>> of
>>> behavior that does not involve threats of physical violence. Does
>>> anyone
>>> know of any cases dealing with this issue?
>>> Cheers,
>> My guess is Yes, provided there's a "course of conduct." I have a
>> memory of a case in the English papers a few years ago when a jitled
>> boyfriend actually went to jail under the harassment legislation for
>> posting lewd pictures of his ex on the Net as a matter of revenge.
>> Best
>> Andrew
>> --
>> Andrew M Tettenborn
>> Bracton Professor of Law, University of Exeter
>> Snailmail:
>> Law School
>> University of Exeter
>> Rennes Drive
>> Exeter EX4 4RJ
>> England
>> Phone:
>> Tel: 01392-263189 (int +44-1392-263189)
>> Fax: 01392-263196 (int +44-1392-263196)
>> Cellphone: 07870-130528 (int +44-7870-130528)
>> LAWYER, n.
>> One skilled in circumvention of the law. (Ambrose Bierce, 1906).
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.