Date: 22/02/2011 19:18:13 UTC
Subject: Fw: Causation in Tort II - Vancouver, Canada - June 2 & 3, 2011

Dear Colleagues
The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia (CLE BC) is presenting a conference on factual causation in tort in Canada after Resurfice in beautiful Vancouver, B.C., on June 2 and 3, 2011.
The June 2 speaker list with lecture subjects (in the current order of presentation) is:
David Cheifetz & Russ Brown: overview of current factual causation law & issues
Russ Brown: but-for and inference causation
Craig Jones: class actions issues
Lynda Collins: toxic torts issues
Erik Knutsen: clarifying causation
Michael Thomas: causation – medicine
Richard Lindsay: causation – construction – insurance
Lewis Klar: damages causation / responsibility for loss
David Cheifetz: multiple causes: but-for, material contribution
Joost Blom: proximate cause / remoteness
Richard Wright: NESS, probability & belief, US factual causation law primer for Canadians
Mr. Justice Binnie of the Supreme Court of Canada will be the speaker at the conference dinner on the evening of June 2.
June 3 is an appellate advocacy demonstration using factual causation issues. The issues will be presented in a fact-pattern based on Walker Estate v York Finch Gen'l Hospital 2001 SCC 23, [2001] 1 SCR 647. The case will be presented as if it is an appeal to the British Columbia Court of Appeal with the plaintiff having lost at trial. The scheduled members of the appellate panel are Justice K. Neilson (BC CA), Justice F. Slatter (Alta CA) and Justice J. MacPherson (Ont CA). Friday's counsel are leading British Columbia litigators George Macintosh  for the plaintiff, Richard Lindsay for the Canadian Red Cross, and Michael Thomas for the hospital.
The focus of the conference is clarifying the subject for practitioners & judges.
I expect the conference brochure will be available, soon, at the CLE BC site.


David Cheifetz
Smockum Zarnett Percival LLP
700 – 150 York St.
Toronto, ON M5H 3S5
Direct: (416) 864-3308    Mobile: (647) 220-7432
Main:  (416)214-9646      Fax: (416) 862-2793

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