From: YIP Man <>
Sent: Friday 11 December 2020 04:17
Subject: Call for papers: Modern Studies in the Law
of Trusts and Wealth Management 2021
Dear all
Call for
papers for Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management 2021
fourth conference in the “Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth
Management” series will take place virtually via Zoom on 22-23 July 2021. The daily
conference proceedings will take place between: 8 am and 1 pm (UK time); 5 pm
and 10 pm (Melbourne/Sydney time); 3 pm and 8 pm (Singapore time). The
2021 conference will be co-organised by the
Centre for Cross-Border Commercial Law in Asia Singapore Management University,
the University of York, and the Asian Law Centre Melbourne Law School.
The theme
of the conference is “Philanthropy
in the Age of Covid-19: Asian and Global Perspectives”. The conference will focus on current
developments and challenges facing the philanthropic sphere in the contemporary
political and socio-economic climate, with particular emphasis on the
unprecedented challenges brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic and the
urgent need for Governments, charities and NGOs to step up to fill the growing
needs of the most vulnerable members of society. The conveners of the
conference (Richard Nolan (York), Tang Hang Wu (SMU), Yip Man (SMU) and Ying
Liew (Melbourne)) plan to publish a selection of the papers presented at the
If you
would like to offer a paper, please submit a working title and an abstract (of
no more than 1500 words) by 28
February 2021 by email to
Yip Man ( and Ying Liew ( The conference conveners
are particularly keen to hear from Asian, women and young scholars in the
field. Acceptance will be on a rolling basis and the conference conveners will
be grateful for early submissions. There are no speaker registration fees for
this conference.
Thank you.
Nolan, Tang Hang Wu, Yip Man and Ying Liew
Associate Professor
Deputy Director of Centre for
Cross-border Commercial Law in Asia
School of Law
Singapore Management University
School of Law
55 Armenian Street
Singapore 179943
+ 65 6808 5159
+ 65 6828 0805