From:                                                       Pembroke-Birss, Jack <>

Sent:                                                         Friday 11 December 2020 20:12

To:                                                            Gerard Sadlier


Subject:                                                   Re: Justification in Inducement to Breach of Contract and the Economic Torts


Hi Ger,


I’ve been waiting almost 10 years for this moment!;dn=830863802522755;res=IELHSS


Let me know if you’d like a copy. 






Jack Pembroke-Birss | Partner 
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia 
Level 5, 60 Martin Place, Sydney, Australia 
Tel +61 2 9330 8160 | Mob +61 408 080 708 | Fax +61 2 9330 8111 


Law around the world 

On 12 Dec 2020, at 7:06 am, Gerard Sadlier <> wrote:

Hello all

I'd be grateful if anyone could point me to litterature on the concept
of "justification" in the economic torts? Feel free to engage in a
little self-promotion!

Kind regards



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