From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: obligations <>
Date: 24/08/2021 17:13:40
Subject: ODG: Balkin & Davis
Attachments: Flyer_Rolph Varuhas Crossley Douglas_Balkin and Davis Law of Torts 6ed.pdf

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to David Rolph, Jason Varuhas, Penelope Crossley, and Michael Douglas on the publication of the sixth edition of Balkin & Davis Law of Torts. The publisher, LexisNexis, has kindly offered list members a 20% discount, when purchasing from the LexisNexis estore: The discount code is BDLA2101.


From the description:


Balkin and Davis Law of Torts provides clear, comprehensive and authoritative discussion and critical analysis of common law and statutory torts across all Australian jurisdictions. The text covers the civil wrongs protecting intentional injury to person and property; the tort of negligence, with respect both to personal and property damage and for the recovery of purely economic loss; those torts, such as nuisance, in which neither intention nor negligence is necessarily relevant; defamation; and the economic torts which protect the intentional infringement of another’s trade or business.


The sixth edition has been extensively updated to cover new developments in case law and legislation, including: significant changes in vicarious liability, particularly institutional abuse and labour hire arrangements; defamation law reforms; new cases on duty of care and causation in negligence; important decisions on judging breach in professional negligence claims; and changes to social security and statutory compensation regimes. Chapters on general principles of trespass, wrongful interference with the person, and breach of duty have been substantially revised, and the chapter on nuisance now includes a discussion of application of the tort to new technologies. 


Happy Reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)


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