From:                                                       Jodi Gardner <>

Sent:                                                         Friday 20 October 2023 05:21


Subject:                                                   Australian and New Zealand Tort and Compensation Researchers and Teachers Network Symposium 2024

Attachments:                                         Tort and Compensation Symposium Flier 2024.docx


Kylie Burns and I are co-organising an Australian and New Zealand tort and compensation teachers and researchers symposium, to be held in Brisbane in February 2024. Please see flier attached for more details. We would love to see as many of you there as possible! 


Have a great weekend. 


Ngā mihi nui  Kind regards


Ahorangi | Professor Jodi Gardner
LLB/B.Int.Rels (Griffith), LLM (ANU), BCL/M.Phil, D.Phil (Oxon) 


Tumuaki o te Ture Takitahi | Brian Coote Chair in Private Law  

Manupiri Rangahau | Associate Dean Research

Te Wāhanga Ture o Tāmaki Makaurau, Waipapa Taumata Rau| Auckland Law School, University of Auckland 


803-208, 17 Eden Cres