From: Jason W Neyers <>
Sent: Friday 10 November 2023 18:00
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Just published!
go out to ODGers, Martin Davies, Ian Malkin and Tania Voon on the publication
of the neweset edition on their textbook: Focus: Torts, 10th
edition (LexisNexis, 2023):
New High Court cases covered include Binsaris v NT (2020), CCIG
Investments v Schokman (2023), CFMMEU v Personnel Contracting (2022),
Electricity Networks v Herridge Parties (2022), Fairfax Media v Voller (2021),
Google v Defteros (2022), Kozarov v Victoria (2022), Lewis v
ACT (2020), Roy v O Neill (2020), and Tapp v Australian Bushmen s
Campdraft (2022).
From the
The tenth edition of Focus: Torts assists students to
develop a better understanding of torts by identifying and explaining key areas
of study. The authors use a straightforward, structured approach to help
demystify even the most complex of legal concepts. Both common law principles
and Australian statutory regimes are covered extensively, providing a detailed
account of similarities and differences across all Australian jurisdictions.
The text provides the reader with numerous opportunities to develop critical
thinking skills by practising answers to hypothetical legal problems.
A Discount
code (FocusTorts15) is valid until 31 Dec 2024 at the LexisNexis
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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