From:                                                       Lionel Smith <>

Sent:                                                         Wednesday 22 November 2023 09:39

To:                                                            ODG

Subject:                                                   Postdoctoral Scholar - Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory


(With apologies for cross-posting)


Some ODG members will know that our colleague Hanoch Dagan has recently moved to Berkeley, where he is the Director of the new Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory.


The Center is seeking to fill a position for a postdoctoral scholar in private law; details are below, with links to further information. Please pass this announcement to anyone whom you think might be interested.


Bravo dear Hanoch, and we look forward to the initiatives of your new Center!








Postdoctoral Scholar - Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory - School of Law


Private law governs our relationships with each other in arguably the most important spheres of our lives: in the market, the workplace, the neighborhood, and intimate relations. Private law theories develop conceptual and normative analyses of these building blocks and critically investigate their meanings, their interrelationships, their varied institutionalizations, and their implications in these and other social settings. The theory of private law has a proud legacy stretching back to antiquity, which has been continually renewed and updated. The need for a new generation of private law theory has become all the more acute given questions and challenges posed by rapid technological change, economic globalization, and the rise of new forms of family and personal relations.


The Berkeley Center for Private Law theory promotes interdisciplinary research on these themes. We organize a variety of activities designed to stimulate dialogue, to exchange and advance knowledge, and to explore new ideas. The Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory aims to foster insights into the legal building blocks of our social and economic life and contribute to making them fair and just.


The University of California, Berkeley invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Scholar at the Center with an anticipated start date in Fall 2024. This is a two-year, full-time (100%) academic appointment. We are particularly interested in learning about candidates who share Barkeley’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The successful candidate will be mentored by Professor Hanoch Dagan and the dynamic and collaborative research team of the Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory.



● Conduct innovative research in Private Law, contributing to ongoing projects and potentially initiating new lines of inquiry.
● Collaborate with faculty and fellow researchers to expand the debate and dialogue in research areas concerning Private Law.
● Coordinating and participating in workshops to advance conversation in different areas in Private Law.
● Writing, presenting, and preparing for the publication of original inquiries of research.
● Contribute to the academic community by participating in seminars, conferences, and other scholarly activities, as well as to help conceptualize and organize them.


For more information about the position, including required qualifications and application materials, please visit: For more information about the Center, please visit: