From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Thursday 23 November 2023 15:17

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: Freedom under the Private Law

Attachments: Beever - Freedom under the Private Law Flyer 1.pdf


Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGer Allan Beever, who has just published Freedom under the Private Law (Edward Elgar, 2003):  From the blurb:


Freedom Under the Private Law examines the relationship between the private law, the rule of law and the protection of liberty. It traces important historical shifts in how these relationships have been conceived, from Plato s conception of the Philosopher Kings, through the classical nineteenth century view of Dicey, the rise of the welfare state and the modern political economy of the present day. It offers a nuanced analysis of the intersection between private law and personal freedom.


A flyer from EE, which contains a discount code, is attached to this email.


Happy Reading,





Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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