From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Sunday 3 December 2023 15:42

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: Landmark Cases in the Law of Punitive Damages

Attachments: Goudkamp and Katsampouka_flyer.pdf


Dear Colleagues,


Congratulations go out to ODGers James Goudkamp and Eleni Katsampouka have just published the collection of essays Landmark Cases in the Law of Punitive Damages (Hart Publishing, 2023):


A flyer from Hart, which contains a discount code, is attached to this email.


The blurb to the book reads:


This book traces the development of the jurisdiction from the foundational decisions of Huckle v Money and Wilkes v Wood in England, to leading modern cases such as Harris v Digital Pulse Pty Ltd in Australia, Whiten v Pilot Insurance Co in Canada, Couch v AG (No 2) in New Zealand, PH Hydraulics and Engineering Pte Ltd v Airtrust (Hong Kong) Ltd in Singapore and Mathias v Accor Economy Lodging, Inc and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co v Campbell in the United States. Many of the decisions addressed are not only landmarks regarding punitive damages but are among the most important judgments delivered in private law more generally. The essays, which are written by leading scholars from a wide range of jurisdictions, cast new light on the cases covered. They do so by examining their historical antecedents and the impact that they have had on the development of the law. The full spectrum of issues regarding punitive damages is addressed including the insurability of punishment, constitutional constraints on the remedy s availability and whether the award should be confined to particular causes of action. The collection will be of interest to all scholars and students of private law. It concentrates on common law cases although civilian perspectives, drawn from France and Germany, are also offered .


Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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