From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Friday 22 December 2023 16:13

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: The Law of Equitable Remedies


Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGer Jeff Berryman on the publication of the newest edition of The Law of Equitable Remedies:


From the description:


This new edition of significantly expands upon earlier editions by incorporating more case references and enhanced discussions of the most salient cases. 


Changes include:

Chapters on interlocutory injunctions fully discuss the Supreme Court s new revisions to the standard for interlocutory mandatory injunctions.
Chapters on asset preservation orders (Mareva Injunctions) and search orders (Anton Piller Orders) have been revised to account for new decisions that respond to current developments in the digital universe.
Chapters on specific performance have been significantly revised.
Chapters on equitable damages and equitable compensation have been rewritten to reflect recent developments of the UK Supreme Court on the former, and of the Supreme Court of Canada in Southwind v Canada and the Ontario Court of Appeal in Stirrett v Cheema on the latter.
The chapter on rectification incorporates the Supreme Court s decision in Canada v Fairmont Hotels.

Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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